I Am That: The Pervasive Nectar of Non-Duality
I Am That: The Pervasive Nectar of Non-Duality
The experience of “I Am” consciousness is an enlivening current found throughout the yoga canon as well as a central axiom of Western mystical traditions. Most throughly articulated as a method of liberation in Tantric teachings, the breath-aligned “Ham-Sah” mantra is a practical tool for entering the easy ecstasy of non-dual awareness. It is simple, accessible and ever-available, as it shimmers at the heart of the entire body of yoga philosophy and technology.
In this four-module course, we will practice the mantra and contemplate its universal meaning as it is expressed in the world’s esoteric traditions, as well as in classical Vedic and Tantric enlightenment literature.
Each session will include textual study, practical instruction, and an exploration of the mantra as it appears in diverse cultural and scriptural contexts.